University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Medical Centre

University of Sri Jayawarenepura as a premier University in Sri Lanka has embarked on the mission of standardizing their Academic and Non academic services by International standards. As a first milestone of this mission, the Medical center of Sri Jayawarenepura University has obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification for their services. In the simple ceremony, to hand over the standardization certificate by Director General of Sri Lanka Standard Institute,  Dr. Siddika Senarathne to the Vice chancellor of the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Senior Prof. M.M. Padmalal, was held at the Senate board room of the University on 8th August 2023. Addressing the gathering the Vice chancellor, Senior Prof M.M. Padmalal stated that the standardization of all the services of the University by International standards is one of his major objectives to be achieved during his teneure. The Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences, the Dean Faculty of Computing, the Registrar, Chief Medical officer, staff of the Medical centre, members of the Academic and Non-academic staff, Senior Manager and Systems Manager Information and Communications Agency in Sri Lanka (ICTA) were present on this occasion.


USJ Medical Centre Conducts a First Aid Programme at the Skills Lab, Faculty of Medicine

The USJ Medical Centre conducted a First Aid Training programme for the pharmacists, minor staff and the  labourers working at the Medical Center. It was held at the Skills Lab of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

The University Medical Centre caters to the University community, including the students, staff and their families, free of charge, as the first contact and continuing care.  The care is co-ordinated for secondary care with Colombo South Teaching Hospital.  Health promotion is done for students and staff in order to maintain a healthy community. Our primary care staff managed by the Medical Officer in Charge, comprises of four doctors, 4 nurses, 3 pharmacists and one dental doctor.  In addition to the first contact care and continuing care, the health centre is responsible for the preventive care. The PHI department attached to the medical centre comprises of 2 PHIs and a support staff of 8 health workers. 

We provide inpatient facility for students and staff during the daytime (8:30a.m.- 4:00p.m). Out of hours an ambulance is available for sick students to be transferred to Colombo South Teaching hospital. The health centre offers counselling service carried out by 5 qualified counsellors.

Please contact Medical Center hotline for
any health problem during office hours


Following are the important points to be followed in obtaining medical facilities.

Medical centre is opened from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and patients are treated during this period. Dental surgery is opened during week days from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Medical facilities are provided to students and staff of the University. 

1.  All students entering the University are given a Medical form during their orientation programme. They are requested to complete this form and submit it back within 4 weeks of receiving their registration number. These forms will be sent to Medical centre where they will open a file for each student with their health record.

2.  Students who require an appointment to see the Medical Officer will be required to register at the counter. If not for urgent treatment, students can obtain a suitable time according to the time available.


Instructions for students who are not attending lectures for a long time on medical grounds.

3. Medical Certificates

The following circumstances require students to submit Medical Certificates:

a) Students registering for examinations who do not have 80% attendance for their lectures.

b) Students who are ill and cannot sit for examinations.

The Medical centre issues medical certificates to very sick students who are unable at that time to attend lectures or sit for examinations after an examination by one of our Doctors. Students should request at the time of presentation whether they need a Medical certificate or not. Medical certificates will not be issued for previous encounters with our Doctors.

Students who are not able to come to Medical centre can present themselves to a Government Medical Officer ( A Doctor with MBBS degree and working at a Government institution) or a Medical Consultant ( A Doctor having MBBS and other post graduate qualifications making him a specialist in his chosen field) and get a Medical Certificate. These certificates have to be produced at the Medical centre for approval before submitting to the relevant departments. Private Ayurvedic Medical Certificates have to be submitted to Ayurvedic Medical Council for approval.  Government Ayurvedic certificates can be directly submitted to respective departments. Students who are admitted to a hospital can provide a Medical certificate from the respective hospitals.

All other Medical certificates which do not belong to above categories shall be rejected.

4. The Ambulance is available at all times to take critically ill patients and emergencies to hospital. This service is coordinated by the Medical centre during 8:00 a.m-4:00 p.m. on weekdays.

5. After 4:00p.m. till 8:00 a.m on weekdays and at all times during weekends this ambulance service is coordinated by the wardens in the hostels. So sick students should contact their respective wardens to go to hospital via Ambulance.

6. The health centre offers counselling service which is carried out by 5 qualified counsellors. Students requiring specialist care are referred to Psychiatry department of University



Dr. S. De Silva
Chief Medical Officer
Medical Health Centre
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Telephone: 0112803199 or 0718184208


Our Medical center provides counseling service to students and staff. The counselors are available physically in the University premises and their schedule is mentioned in the time table below. The time table is updated monthly and we encourage students to seek help from them if you have any of the following symptoms;

  • Feeling anxious.
  • Generally feeling overwhelmed with everything.
  • Overthinking and feeling as though you’re unable to ‘switch off’ from your thoughts.
  • Feeling low and more tearful than usual.
  • Getting angry more easily or struggling to regulate your emotions.
  • Sleeping more or less than usual.

We have altogether 5 counselors. 4 counselors are stationed in the Main University and 1 counselor covers Engineering and Technology faculty.

Following workshops were done in Year 2023.  Future workshops will be mentioned in this website.

Prioritizing Mental wellness –March 22nd 2023

Counseling and it’s benefits- Webinar September 30th 2023

Student Health Service - Health History and Examination Form

Download Health History and Examination Form

Leave Your Feedback

Patient's Feedback on Medical Center Services

Quality Policy of the Medical Centre

Download Our Quality Policy

The Staff of Medical centre University of Sri Jayawardenepura



Medical Doctor  in charge

 Dr. Sagarie  De Silva

Medical Doctor

Dr. D.L.M.R.H.Perera

Locum Medical Doctor

Dr. K.A.M.Handakumbura

Locum Medical Doctor

 Dr. K.G.N.Senevirathne

Locum Medical Doctor

Dr. S.M.D.G.S.Perera

Dental  Surgeon

 Dr. D.P.D.Asalage


Mr. K.J.P.Perera


Mr. O.V.Amarathunga

Nursing Officer

Mrs. Nishanthi Wicramarathne

Nursing Officer

Mrs. B.A.D.D.S.Gajanayake

Nursing Officer

Mrs. P.G.Walliwala

Dental Nursing Officer

Mrs. S.I.V.Priyadarshani

Management Assistant

Mrs. M.C.V.Wijesinghe


Mrs.Sadna Abeysekara

Work Attendant

Mr. J.M.A.D.H.Dammika

Work Attendant

Mr. M.B.D.C.Pieris

Health Service Labourer

 Mr. G.G.P.Bandara

Work Attendant

Miss. Roshini Samarasinghe


Mr. K.T.N.N.Wijesiriwardene

Work Attendant



Health Service Section


Public Health Inspector

Mr. K.K.G.L.Wasantha

Public Health Inspector

Mr. J.P.Balasusooriya

Health Service Laborer

Mr. W.M.C.J. Wijesundara

Health Service Laborer

Mr. W.W.M.Shaminda

Health Service Laborer

Mr. K.A.U.C.Dissanayaka

Health Service Laborer

Mr. K.P.S.Priyantha

Health Service Laborer


Health Service Laborer


Health Service Laborer


Health Service Laborer




Medical Centre – 8499

Medical Officer In charge – 0112803199/ 8500

Medical Doctor – 8504

Dental Doctor – 8501

Matron – 8502

Pharmacist – 1622

Management Assistant – 8603

Public Health Inspector (PHI) – 8503
