A workshop on “How to improve your web visibility and university ranking” was conducted for academic staff of Medical Faculty of University of Sri Jayewardenepura by Prof Hiran Amarasekera, Leader of the Digital Team on 13 May 2015 at the Medical Faculty Computer Center. About 60 acecmics particpated this workshop.
Contents of the Workshop
– Creating Google Scholar Profiles
– Jayewardenepura Websites
University sites
University www.sjp.ac.lk
Research – www.sjp.ac.lk/research
Staff www.staff.sjp.ac.lk
Staff (Phased out) www.staffweb.sjp.ac.lk
Open Learning http://www.sjp.ac.lk/sites/openlearn/
Digital Library http://dl.sjp.ac.lk/
Journals http://journals.sjp.ac.lk/
Alumni http://www.sjp.ac.lk/alumni/
Faculty Sites
Humanities and Social Science http://www.sjp.ac.lk/fhss/
Management and Commerce http://mgt.sjp.ac.lk/
Applied Science http://science.sjp.ac.lk/
Medical Sciences http://medical.sjp.ac.lk/
How can you help to improve university ranking
– Publish more research – to improve Excellence rank
– Publish great contents on the web – to improve Impact Rank
Some activities you can do to incrase web visibility
Create a google profile
Publish in better impact factor Journals
Publish in OAI (Open Access) journals
Start new Journals in our journals.sjp.ac.lk
Upload your presentations, notes, papers, talks to digital library www.dl.sjp.ac.lk
Start your own blog and publish contents on staff.sjp.ac.llk
Dowload Presenations:
Main Presentation on How to Improve Web Visibitlity
What is h-index and How to create your Google Scholar Profie
create google scholar profiles 2015 october
How to create your Google Scholar profile – 7 steps with Screenshots