The Department of Business Economics of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura signed an MOU as the Hosting partner for the International Conference on Economics and Development (ICED 2017) with the International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM). The conference will be held from 26th -27th January, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The theme of the conference is “Inclusive Economic Growth: Rethinking the Development Process in a Time of Paradigm Shift”. ICED 2017 will be chaired by Dr. Sumudu Perera who is the Head and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Economics of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The conference will be graced by eminent economists for the keynote speech and other panel discussions. The main aim in organizing ICED 2017 is to motivate individuals to explore opportunities for potential contribution to disciplines under the broader topic of Economics. Today the global economy faces many socio-economic challenges and achieving development goals is not an easy task, in this context. The times are quite different while the global environment is even more advanced and dynamic. Therefore need arises for policymakers and leaders of nations to rethink the growth process all over again. A growth model which was successful to one country may not be applicable to another, the success stories of the past may not be applicable now. In this context, ICED 2017 will act as a good platform for the researchers in this field to share and enhance their knowledge on economic development and sustainability.