Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce – Examinations for the First Year & Third Year

For all students sitting for the 1st & 3rd year examinations,

This is to bring to your notice that the First Year & Third Year First Semester End Examination are rescheduled to be held from 07.09.2020 onwards. Study leave for students will be granted from 31.08.2020 to 06.09.2020. Therefore, while you are requested to prepare accordingly, please note that it is mandatory that you carry the undermentioned documents with you as you return to the university for your respective examinations, 

  1. Student ID/ Student Record Book 
  2. You must fill in the Self-Declaration form and carry it along with you when attending examinations. You may find a model of the same below.


  1. Please find below the mandatory Health and Safety Instructions and Guidelines that must be followed within the university premises during the examination period. 
  2. Students with university hostel facilities may enter the hostel from 8.00 a.m. onwards on 31.08.2020. 
  3. If you have health issues during your stay at the university, you may contact university medical center using their hot line – 011 3413488 or 0112803199 before visiting the medical center (Week days from 8.00am – 4.00pm)
  4. Library facilities during the examinations period will be as follows, 

Weekdays: 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Weekends: 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

  1. Necessary measures have been taken to issue the Examination Admissions pertaining to the First Semester End Examinations from 07.09.2020, to students after they enter the exam halls for their first examination. 
  2. Please note that all students must follow the quarantine protocols issued by the university and assemble near the respective examination halls half an hour prior to the commencement of the examination.

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

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