Notice to the Graduands of the 48th Convocation to be held in October 2022

  1. Considering the requests made by the student union, this is to inform you that the convocation fee of Rs. 8000/= has been reduced to Rs. 7000/= by the University.
  1. As per the consent of the student union, University will not serve the refreshments for the Graduands and their parents at the convocation.
  1. It is further notified that, those who have already paid Rs. 8000/= as the convocation fee can pay only Rs. 3000/= (instead of Rs. 4000/= refundable deposit) to the University at the time of receiving your cloak from the university. (Rs. 4000/= will be refunded to you at the time of returning the cloak)

Click here for Previous Notice of Dates Extension of Application Submission

Calling the Supplication form for the 48th Convocation – Dates Extended – USJ – University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka (

See original notice here.
Calling for Applications for the 48th Convocation for Faculties of Applied Sciences, Management Studies & Commerce, Medical Sciences, Technology, and Engineering – USJ – University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka (

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