Rigifoam Collection Bin has been installed at the Medical Faculty- A project by Green Hub of FMS

Rigifoam Collection installed in the University by Green Hub of the Faculty of Medical Sciences

Disposal of Rigifoam or Polystyrene has been a major challenge due to the lack of available disposal and recycling methods. The Green Hub of the Faculty of Medical Sciences has initiated a project to collect and dispose of Rigifoam in an environmentally friendly manner and a collection bin has been installed at the Anatomy block for this purpose.

The main goal of this project is to collect all the Rigifoam waste generated in the faculty. The collected Rigifoam will then be sent to a Rigifoam recycling factory located at Kalutara.

The Green Hub of the Faculty of Medical Sciences appeals to all staff members and students to dispose Rigifoam waste into this bin and help to create a greener faculty.

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